Tea Time With Profs

Tea Time with Profs

Get to know your CS professors outside of the classroom in a more relaxed setting.


  • When: October 29th, 2-4pm
  • Where: Outside in Bahen Quad (may change - we will keep you updated!)
    • Online, probably on Zoom or Gathertown.
  • Sign up here

UPDATE 2021/10/25

Thank you so much for signing up for CSSU’s Tea Time with Professors on Friday, October 29!

Unfortunately, the weather forecast is showing a high likelihood of rain on Friday. Due to COVID restrictions, we are currently unable to host any social events indoors. With this in mind, we have decided to move the Tea Time online. The link and the details for joining will be provided in another email. The time for the event will remain the same (Friday October 29, 2-4pm).

I know that many of you will find this change to be super disappointing - I was also very excited to host the CSSU’s first in-person event and am very disappointed that we will not be able to do so. I really hope that you will still join us for the Tea Time with Profs virtually, with your personal favourite snacks and drinks!

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope to see you on Friday!

Last modified: 18 October 2021