First Year Orientation

The CSSU hosts the annual First Year Orientation for incoming Computer Science students. This is a great way to get a taste of the undergraduate experience and make friends!

Day 1: September 11th, 2021

Time Activity
12:00 Introductions
12:30 Opening Ceremony
12:45 Team Kumospace
13:00 First Year Guide Presentation
13:30 Break
14:00 Student Panel
14:30 Break
15:00 Professor Panel
15:30 End-of-Day Mixer

Day 2: September 12th, 2021

Time Activity
12:00 Check-Ins
12:15 Team Regroup & Break
13:00 Club/RSG Presentations
14:00 Club/RSG Networking
14:45 Closing Ceremonies
18:00 Games Night

Join the CSSU Discord Server for updates on orientation